Saturday, December 10, 2005

Upping the Anti #2 Ready Soon

The second issue of Upping The Anti: A Journal of Theory and Action, produced by folks involved with Autonomy & Solidarity, will be ready for distribution soon. Their first issue (full text here) was great and the table of contents for the second issue looks similarly compelling. Look here to find out how to get ahold of a copy.

To get a flavour of what this journal is all about, here is the first paragraph of the editorial in the introductory issue:

Our name Upping the Anti refers to our interest in engaging with three interwoven tendencies which have come to define much of the politics of today’s radical left in Canada: anti-capitalism, anti-oppression, and anti-imperialism. These three political tendencies, while overlapping and incorporating various contradictory elements, together represent the growth of a radical politics in a space outside of the “party building” of the sectarian left and the dead end of social democracy. Despite their limitations, movements based on these “anti” politics have grown out of a real process and practice of social contestation and mobilization, and they point towards ideas and activist practices which will have a significant role in shaping the form and content of new revolutionary movements born out of future cycles of struggle against exploitation and oppression. This journal is intended to provide a space to address and discuss unresolved questions and dynamics within these struggles in order to better learn from our collective successes and failures.

Read it!

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