Thursday, December 06, 2007

Sign the Housing Not War Declaration

The Toronto Disaster Relief Committee, a longstanding anti-poverty and anti-homelessness group in Toronto, and the Canadian Peace Alliance, the largest peace movement coalition in the country, are calling on individuals and organizations in Canada to sign on to a declaration supporting a withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan and a redirection of government-controlled resources from militarism to housing. This page has a good detailed explanation for this position, but the declaration itself reads in full:

The Housing Not War Declaration

I/we support the demand that the federal government implement a Housing Not War strategy. Canada is at war in Afghanistan. Homelessness remains a national disaster in Canada. Canadian troops should come home, and funding directed towards war and militarism should go towards housing and other peaceful purposes.

As homelessness worsens in Canada, the federal government can no longer justify spending untold billions of dollars on war. We call for the 1% solution – an additional 1% of the federal budget to be allocated towards social housing. This would bring spending to $4 billion per year.

Please sign it as an individual and solicit support for this position from any groups of which you are a part!

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