Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Music Video

Hmmm...I've never tried to embed video before, but here goes...

I'm posting this in the spirit of using this tiny platform to promote creators-of-things that I know personally, which I do from time to time -- the white-guy-with-dreads playing bass in this music video is my brother. (He also plays heavy metal bass, classical violin, celtic fiddle, and a bunch of other things, and sings a mean Folsom Prison Blues, though you don't get to see any of that here.)

And I suppose I should mention that the band is called The Urban Monks...


Randy said...

Wow, Scott, that's cool that your brother is rocking out. Which makes me wonder, did any of the musical talent get in your genes? and, is he politically like you?

Scott Neigh said...

Hey Randy!

Well, I played a couple of instruments growing up and in high school, but I haven't really kept it up...I've always found the idea of performing to be somewhat paralyzing...

And I think it's fair to say that our political instincts point in similar directions, though we each live them in our own way...

Hope you're doing well!