Sunday, January 04, 2009

A Few Links

Check out an anti-colonial podcast, an exciting new political journal, and a web site of important local environmental interest:

  • Here is a podcast from Healing The Earth Radio via the Rabble Podcast Network, called "Talking Decolonization with Waziyatawin, Part 1". Waziyatawin "is Wahpetunwan Dakota from the Pezihutazizi Otunwe in southwestern Minnesota... In this interview she talks at length about colonization and decolonization - the physical and mental aspects of decolonization work for both indigenous and non-indigenous communities..."

  • Check out a new publishing project called Jalan Journal of Asian Liberation. I haven't had a chance to read the articles in depth yet, but they look fabulous. The inaugural issue includes a look at anti-Asian racism in the United States, an article on Asian American anarchism and another on anarchism in the Chinese Revolution, a look at immigrant workers' struggles in the U.S., and a look at hip hop in the South Asian diaspora. (Thanks to both MC and YL for the link.)

  • And here is the official website of the Community Committee on the Sudbury Soils Study. Not too long ago, a collaboration between the mining companies and the government produced a study of contamination in the soil in the Sudbury area. Many people in the community were concerned at the arbitrary, deceptive flim-flam of the official report, and some of those got together to form a group that would look at soil contamination in ways that centred the needs of the community rather than the profit-lust of a few huge corporations. This is their website.


GreenSudbury said...

Another Sudbury News Digest you may want to add to your link roll is

Keep up with Green news and resources daily. Thanks

Scott Neigh said...

Good idea! I recently discovered your site but hadn't gotten around to mentioning it or linking to it here thanks for suggesting it!