Sunday, October 07, 2012

New Ways to Find Older Content

To provide a method beyond the search box at the top of the page and browsing the chronological archives to access older content that I think might be worth reading, I have historically had links to a selection of older posts in my sidebar. While this worked when the blog was younger and there was less old-timey stuff that I thought might be worthwhile, it really hasn't been adequate for some time now -- the lists have gotten too long, and because of that I haven't updated them in years. So I have made a bit of a change and now have separate posts with links to selected older posts on a variety of topics, as listed below and as listed in the sidebar.

As with my longstanding master list of book reviews -- and, by the way, book reviews are not included in the selected posts you'll find through the links below, so it is worth checking out that list separately -- it is a little nervewracking to draw attention to older pieces that I may no longer like or agree with. Some such posts I have ommitted, but not all, so please keep in mind that things from years ago may no longer accurately represent me. As well, I give no guarantees that my categorization is completely consistent, that I haven't missed good stuff, and that I haven't included stuff that would be better forgotten.

With those provisos out of the way, here are the links to Selected Posts About...

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