Tuesday, July 26, 2005


"Opposition is the path to peace, and the sharper and deeper the opposition, the more complete and lasting the peace. That is the law of human progress."

-- Rev. Salem Bland, Methodist minister and a leading Canadian proponent of the radical wing of the social gospel in the early 20th century


rabfish said...

hmm, law of human progress...there's someone deeply irritating about someone who subsumes opposition so thoroughly into a law that makes his kind of change inevitable...

Scott Neigh said...

True...and there is a certain narrowness of vision and the arrogant positivism of the age that is trumpeted from even the best of the social gospel of that time. But I still find something kind of amazing about a Canadian Protestant minister saying things like I interpret Bland to be saying here -- "Peace will never come from pious words alone but only from a vigorous struggle for justice," or something like that -- as opposed to the individualistic moralism, disconnection, stuffiness, and not-at-all-credible-to-me metaphysics that I grew up exposed to.